Manuscript Guidelines

1.       Font and Style: The manuscript should be prepared in Times New Roman with font size of 12. The main research title should be font size 14. The headings (Abstract, Introduction, Methods and Materials, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement and Conflict of Interest) should be in font size 12, bold upper case and the subheadings should be in font size 12, bold sentence case followed by a colon.

2.       Page Layout: The page of word document should have a Header with tittle short name and foot with page numbers. The full manuscript should be in 1.5 lining space.

3.       Tables and Figures: Tables should be numbered as Tab.1, Tab.2,etc and Figures should be numbered Fig.1, Fig.2,…etc. The titles of both tables and figures should be in bold sentence case.

4.       Abbreviations: All the abbreviations should be mentioned in a tabular form before acknowledgement.

5.       The scientific names of plants/animals or any should be in italics.

Contents of the manuscript

1.       Cover page: Title of the manuscript, name and affiliations of authors and corresponding author contact details.

After each author name a number as superscription should be given and that number indicates the affiliation details.

For corresponding author both number and symbol (*) should be included.

2.       Abstract: One paragraph not exceeding 300 words. It should describe background, methods & materials, results, and conclusion. Keywords related to study should be 8-10.

3.       Introduction: A brief information and importance about the research. It should be written in paragraph form.

4.       Methods and Materials: The research design, subjects, material used, and statistical methods should be included. Results and discussion shall not be drawn into this section. Any ethical guidelines can be acknowledged.

5.       Results: Tables, graphs and figures with respective titles should be included for easy understanding.

6.       Discussion: A brief background information about the results should be included. Both limitations and future directions of the study can be included.

7.       Conclusion: The summary of the study which should include final result or findings, applications and hypothesis or purpose of the research.

8.       Acknowledgment: Acknowledgment should include points.

9.       Conflict of interest: Mention if any

10.     Reference: Follow Vancouver style for references.

•         Number all references

•         Arrange your list in the order in which the references appear in your text.

•         If there are more than 6 authors, list the first 6 authors followed by “et al.”

•         List author names in the order they appear in the text

•         Enter surname (family or last name) first for each author

•         Separate author names from each other by a comma and a space

•         Capitalize surnames and enter spaces within surnames as they appear.


•         Standard journal article: Author(s) of article (surname initials). Title of article. Journal abbreviation Year of publication; volume number (issue number): page numbers

•         Books: Surname Initial(s). Book title. Edition – if available: Publisher, place of publication; Year.